A family of boys has my heart. Mama is treated like the queen that she is, and boys sure do love their moms. This is spoken from my own experience as a boy and girl mom. These beautiful boys love sports, school, and being super silly. The oldest is just at the cusp of that age where he might be “too cool” for family photos, yet here is he snuggling his mama and loving on his brothers.

When I asked Cassidy how her kids felt about picture day, she laughed and said they typically want to “get it over with.” I took that to heart and decided that we needed to have our session at a really interactive location where the boys could play and explore; I think we nailed it!

We started with our portraits in the sand and on this beautiful rock. Then once we got those done, I told the boys it was fair game to splash in the creek – man, did they ever! Within minutes, everyone was soaked and having an incredible time. We found tadpoles, fish, and got so soaked that the boys peeled off their shirts.

A collage of four boys smiling at the camera.

One of the questions I like to ask parents is what they most want to remember about their kids in this stage of life. For Cassidy, these were things like freckles, flowy hair, missing teeth, and the snuggles. I couldn’t adore this family more, and we had such an incredible time together!