Photography has come a long way. You might remember back to the days of your own childhood, donning itchy tights and a stiff dress, arguing in the family sedan on your way to Olan Mills for your annual holiday card photo. Though the stress and argumentative aspect of family photos has not changed in many ways, the way we capture our families indeed has. What is an Austin lifestyle session and why should you opt for one to capture your family? Let’s dive into this!

First, even though I’m a lifestyle photographer, I always believe in capturing a “smile at the camera” photo of your family. They are joyful and classic, and we can’t omit them from your gallery! I just don’t think you need more than a couple because the rest of your gallery is all about connecting with your people!

What then, is lifestyle photography? This simply means capturing your family, as you are, on a deeper level than the classic holiday card look. It means giving you a gallery that reflects your love and connection so that you aren’t just connecting with my lens, but more with each other. In twenty years, you’re not going to care that you were facing the camera and giving your best smile; but you will care about the way your daughter twirled your hair softly around your finger while she whispered in your ear and told you what she wanted to be when she grew up. You will care about the way your husband used to throw your son over his shoulder and run down the hall, while he squealed in delight. Those are the moments you’re going to want to capture, because they are truly your family dynamic frozen in time, just as you are.

During my lifestyle sessions, we always make sure we get a handful of those classic smiling photos so we can then focus the rest of our session on your family’s love and connection. This means we will play games, lay down and snuggle, chat about our favorite things, and explore our environment in order to really capture your family’s essence at this point in your lives.

The best part? Kids are so much more cooperative at my sessions for this reason! They are obsessed with making it a fun, relaxed game.
Sound like you’re a fit for an Austin lifestyle session? Reach out and let’s connect!