
Homeschooling Resources for COVID-19

Hi, beautiful friends. I recently did a Facebook Live about sudden homeschooling and home education amidst the COVID-19 outbreak. As promised, here are a list of homeschooling resources for COVID-19 quarantine to help you navigate this crazy time.

First, I have a ton of great resources on my Amazon storefront to help. They’ve been amazing for my family! Every single product in this store has been used by me and added to these lists only when we’ve really loved it and been very satisfied with it. The only exception to this are the Middle School resources, which we haven’t used firsthand ourselves, but they are from the same companies we love and trust. We use the younger versions since my kids are younger!

Early on, I discussed finding your child’s learning style. This will help you modify or create lessons. I do think it’s important for you to identify it!

Here are some of my favorite online curriculums and classes:


*Note: Right now Outschool is allowing those affected by school closures to take their courses for free if they cannot afford to pay fees

Creative Live

Khan Academy

Secular Online Homeschool – Here is an extensive list

Christian Online Homeschool List 

*Side note: I am not religious, so I highly advise if you are using a secular program to check that it is TRULY secular. Many curriculums market themselves as secular but still reference religion. The curriculum should SAY that it’s secular, and you can always contact the company for full clarification.

What We Use:

Reading + SpellingAll About Learning 

MathSingapore Math + Beast Academy 

*Side note: Beast Academy is a pretty advanced math curriculum geared towards kids who are very strong in math. It starts around a 2nd grade level and is very heavy on out-of-the-box, critical thinking.

ScienceThis book was highly recommended by many members of the homeschool community, and WE LOVE IT. Note that it is very hands on, so if you’re not looking to set up the experiments and facilitate the lesson, definitely skip it.

Handwriting – This book is gold.

Writing – I mentioned that imaginative and creative writing is very difficult for Colin. We are using the Bravewriter Jot It Down program to combat this.

For creative, hands on activities, I highly recommend scouring Pinterest. I did link a few sites below that I love, but this is NOT the area I excel in. Total transparency with that.

20 Hands on Activities to Keep Kids Busy

How to Keep Kids Busy

Here are some great *KIDS* online homeschooling resources for COVID-19 quarantine, with free trials and free content:

Brain Pop Jr

Brain Pop

Code teachers K-12 kids how to code

CoolMath for PK+, CoolMath4Kids ages 3-12

Age of Learning

Audible has some completely free titles for kids while schools are closed!

Free worksheets from Educational Insights 

Free access to Science + Social Studies Launch Packs from Encyclopedia Brittanica

FunBrain PK-8th videos

Free math activities + online manipulatives for K-8 from Hand2Mind

Free daily story time in Chinese and Spanish from PandaTree

Great Minds has some free recorded classes available

Scholastic has a ton of free online resources for K-12

Starfall for PreK-3rd Grade

Free digital library available now on Time

Virtual tours and online exhibits from Google

Virtual manipulatives for Math and Language Arts from Didax

Here are some great *TEENS* online resources, with free trials and free content:

Adobe is offering free access to creative tools until May!

Free online computer science courses for 6th-12th graders through Amazon Future Engineer 

Audible has some completely free titles for kids while schools are closed!

Carnegie Mellon is offering free, online access to its interactive high school curriculum, Computer Science Academy

Code teachers K-12 kids how to code

Free access to Science + Social Studies Launch Packs from Encyclopedia Brittanica

Great Minds has some free recorded classes available

Scholastic has a ton of free online resources for K-12

Virtual tours and online exhibits from Google


And many more!!!

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